Wednesday, November 13, 2013


I feel it is only necessary to talk about what I am thankful for right before Thanksgiving. I am very lucky to be where I am today. I have so much to be thankful for.

First, my parents. My mom and dad have been together since their junior year of high school. My mom was pregnant with my older sister when she was 18 and had all of us girls before she even turned 23. They did not have it easy, but they got married and they made it. They are two of the most wonderful people. They have always set a good example for me and push me to my limits. I would not be who I am today without them.

Second, my siblings. I have an older sister, Emily, a younger sister, Abby, and my one and only younger brother, Ben. I am lucky to have a beautiful four-year-old niece. I love her to pieces. We don't always get along, but they always have my back. I cannot tell you how many times they have stepped up when I needed them the most. I love my siblings.

Third, my opportunities. I have been blessed with several opportunities to excel throughout my high school and college career. I had amazing advisers and mentors pushing me through and I ended up with some amazing experience. Several internships and countless hours on the job later, I feel like I am very well prepared for my future career.

Lastly, my school. I am not going to lie. Before I switched my major, I was struggling in school. I was barely pulling and 2.0 GPA. I have found my niche. I get to learn from great professors and collaborate with really intelligent students. I get hands-on experience and my portfolio expands everyday.

I have so much to be thankful for. This is just a start. What are you thankful for this season??

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