Thursday, January 01, 2015

52 week challenge

It is officially 2015. I already know this year is going to be a crazy one. I am turning 22, graduating college, getting a big-girl job, moving out and much more. I have been thinking a lot about the future and where I want to be after graduation. It has been a lot of "Who am I?" kinds of questions. So, I have decide to create my own 52 week challenge for 2015. I haven't worked out the details just yet. Mainly because it is 1:28am and I just came up with the idea.

I am going to challenge myself in four ways: (I've turned into my father, making lists and crap)
1. Faith
2. Fitness
3. Finances
4. Fun

Like I said before, 2015 is going to be a huge year for me. I am going to need my faith now more than ever as I transition into the big bad world. I am going to assign myself a topic for each week like friendships, patience, peace and love. I'll do some research on the topic and blog about my findings as well!

Fitness has always been one of my biggest struggles. I hate working out, but I need to. I am not 100% happy with the way I feel right now and need to challenge myself to do something about it.

Finances are just hard. I have never been great with money and I have progressively been working on it over the last year. It is going to be more important now more than ever. As I start getting into the real world of bills, loans and payments, I have to be more careful with my money. I am going to build a savings plan and take the Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University to get myself kick started in the right direction.

Lastly, I want 2015 to be fun. There are so many things I have talked about doing for years, but still have not done. This is my year to accomplish all of them. I am going to make a general list of fun things to do in my year and I'll choose one to do each week.

2015 is going to be the best year yet. Resolutions are made and broken every year. I feel like this challenge will be realistic for me and I will actually be motivated to continue past January 21st. Keep me accountable friends! Ask me how I am doing and if I am keeping up with my goals. This isn't something I can do alone.

Happy New Year everyone (:


Friday, October 17, 2014

Hunting for jobs

With only a couple months until graduation, I'm absolutely terrified I won't find a job. It's only October and I feel like I should be applying to everything I can get my hands on. I think I have re-done my resume a million different times since August. I started doing my fair share of googling tips and tricks to getting a great job after graduation and it honestly just makes everything worse. I feel like I'm the only one on the planet with zero idea on what I should be doing right now.

I found this buzzfeed list that perfect describes my fears. Click on the link and take a look. It is slightly terrifying; however, the more I think about it the better I feel.

First of all, (warning: shameless plug) I am graduating from a great school. The public relations program at Ohio Northern University is nationally recognized. Our professors are outstanding and teach us more than I ever expected. I go to Public Relations Student Society of America conference and can see that our professors have given us the best tools and the best education there is to offer. There are so many brilliant students at these conferences, but ONU just always goes above and beyond to make sure we have everything we need. Plus, I think my professor wouldn't settle for anything less than the best. We are "in it to win it" as she would say. She's slightly competitive.

Second of all, I know I am fully motivated to get a great job. In my opinion, people get so freaked out about finding a job after graduation that they sabotage themselves. They worry so much they won't find what they need that in the long run, they mentally exhaust themselves and end up settling for the first thing they can find. I literally don't even have enough brain space to think about working in a place I don't enjoy. I don't want a job. I want a career at some place I believe in and enjoy. Plus, if I can't even get my lazy butt out of bed to go to classes that I actually enjoy, I know I will not be able to wake myself up to go to a job I hate. It is just not happening.

This will most definitely not be the last time I freak out about jobs, but I just need to keep reminding myself that I have all the tools and resources I need. My professors and mentors have dedicated themselves to helping me get to where I need to go. I just need to have some faith and just survive until May.

205 days until graduation. But who's counting?

- Amy