Monday, November 11, 2013

Project X

Ever since the movie Project X was released in theaters, there has been a rise in outrageous parties all over the news. Young adults are throwing these massive parties just like the movie because they think it will be fun. The movie came out when I was in high school. I can't even begin to explain how many Facebook invites I received to parties called "Project Y" or whatever. It was crazy. Some of these parties just took things too far.

On March 15. 2012, a teen was killed at a project x party. There are countless news stories on the parties that occurred across the country. So many people have been injured, killed and arrested because of these kinds of parties. The PR major in me wants to do something. Make a campaign to fight stupidity or something, but I don't know if that would work. The movie made such a huge impact on teens across America. We can only hope that sooner or later, they see the danger in their actions.

1 comment:

  1. I have been invited to Project X type parties too and I personally don't see any fun in it. I haven't seen the movie but I have seen some parts. This type of partying is dangerous. Why would you put yourself in a position to be injured or worse? I think there should be a voice for these types of things just like we have campaigns about binge drinking and doing drugs.
