Thursday, November 07, 2013

Mother dearest.

I am very blessed to have a great family full of wonderful role models. One person in my family I look up to the most is my mom. Since I was very little, I heard so many time that I am my mom's mini-me. I look like her. I talk like her. We like and hate the same things. It gets a little weird sometimes. I have come to learn over the past few years that my mom might know me better than I know myself. Since we are so similar, I can't get away from the fact that she is pretty much always right. Growing up, I kept telling her I wanted to be so many different things and all she would say is, "I see you majoring in communications or something like that," and what do you know... I'm a public relations major. My mom would tell me relationships would never work out and they didn't. She would tell me I should try to do something and I would love it. It is so fun having a person exactly like me that can help guide me through life.

My mom is one of the greatest people I know. I would be totally lost without her. I am so grateful that I get the opportunity to grow up and be like her. I love you, Mom!

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