Sunday, November 17, 2013

Ohio Tornados.

Ohio experienced some devastating weather tonight. Tornados tore through the entire Midwest. The tornadoes killed at least five people and injured so many more. I have a deep fear of tornadoes and severe thunderstorms so I was not doing well when I got my Nixle alerts this evening. These storms got me wondering, what is Ohio Northern's plan for bad weather? What happens when an entire building gets destroyed? 
I would be really curious to see how the school would handle such a big thing. There are many places on campus that they could put students, but they have not been kept clean or had maintenance in years. Clark hall is picked up every now and then, but it is hardly used. So, what would they do? We live in such a small area that I don't think it would take long for the community to get involved and help out the struggling students, but will it be enough? Would the school replace our stuff? Would we get a deal on tuition? 

What do you think would happen?

1 comment:

  1. I went home this weekend and experienced hearing the tornado sirens. Before I went home for the weekend I planned heading back to school Sunday night. The weather did not allow me to leave my house, much less drive back to school. I couldn't imagine making a two hour drive last night in the weather. The weather reported to "take shelter" and my gosh I took shelter! As I was cooped up in my house with my family, my mom and I were talking about the actions ONU would take to take shelter. It's funny how that subject only comes up when it's happening.
