Thursday, November 21, 2013

Does money matter?

In Measure What Matters, Paine talks about how companies define the relevancy of communications. Companies can spend thousands of dollars on communications and marketing, but, if they aren't reaching their audience in the right way, it could all be wasted. Paine talks about how some companies downsized their communications department to save on costs. This is definitely not the way to go. She talks about how companies should re-evaluate how it spends money. It is not effective to spend thousands of dollars on communications that don't give the attention you need from your customers. 

Companies should find some way to measure the mediums they are using to communicate with their customers and figure out which ones are the most effective. Instead of spending a lot of money, the companies can cut down by using just the most effective kinds of communications.

As I scroll through Facebook, I can always pick out companies that aren't using their time and money effectively. They are using Facebook in all the wrong ways. Their audiences barely even use Facebook. It is easy to see when a company has not found their "communications mo-jo" quite yet. They seem to be desperately trying to get their message out anyway possible. It reminds me of the old marketing techniques. Companies were just pushing their message out to customers; rather than, pushing their message out and trying to pull in feedback. We have learned so much about customers and the importance behind communications, but some companies have yet to get the hang of it. They are still on the learning curve.

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