Sunday, November 24, 2013

My DIY life.

I absolutely love being creative. When I am bored, the first question I ask myself is, "What could I make?". I have made decorations for my room, covers for my crates, a kindle cover, a planner and so much more. I just can't help myself. It is kind of my addiction. Needless to say, Pinterest is my best friend. I get a lot of ideas from there. I can find so many useful ideas to get me started on projects. It is wonderful. 

Honestly, I wish I had more time to do things like this. I get such a sense of accomplishment after something I have worked so hard on comes together to something great. Sometimes my project don't turn out like I want them too. They look cheap or they fall apart, but others just work out so well. I just love thinking through the process every time. How am I going to get this to stay together and look good? Where should I start? How can I make this unique?

Have you ever made anything on your own? Am I the only DIY nerd out there?

1 comment:

  1. You absolutely are not the only DIY nerd! I absolutely love crafting! Unfortunately, I don't have much luck with finding crafts on Pinterest, but Hobby Lobby is my best friend. My mom recently had a gift card to Hobby Lobby and gave it to me because she knew I would use it sooner than she would. I love making gifts for other people and the look on their face when i say I made it! Hopefully, it's always a look of pleasant surprise! Whenever I'm stressed, painting my nails or crafting are my two vices to calm myself down. They are both something that I can clearly see the result of all of my work, and most of the time they don't take that long!
