Thursday, October 17, 2013


It is a very exciting time at Ohio Northern this week. It's spirit week and homecoming is coming up! I love this time of year. Everyone is so proud to be a part of such an amazing university. We gather together at bonfires, tailgates and football games to celebrate. There is no doubt in my mind that the university may be going through some tough times. Renovating the inn, the tuition freeze and all other crazy things popping up everyday cannot be easy to maneuver, but this week we put that all aside. Friday night, ONU inducts four new members into the Athletic Hall of Fame (including one of my favorite professors, Dr. Agozzino!). It is incredible to witness the huge sense of pride in everyone as we prepare for the event. On Friday, alumni will pour into the Macintosh Center to celebrate with the new inductees. Some of the alumni don't even know the inductees, but we are all fellow polar bears. They are proud to have such amazing people be recognized on campus that it doesn't matter whether they know each other. My events class had the opportunity to help set up and run the induction on Friday. I am so excited to see it! Not only will I personally witness Dr. Agozzino cry, I will get to see everyone celebrate with each of our inductees on their special day. I am a proud polar bear today. GO BEARS!

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