Sunday, October 20, 2013

Balloon Glow

Ohio Northern's homecoming was absolutely outstanding. I was excited that I got to go to all the wonderful events. The parade in the morning was freezing, but fun. I got to spend time on the float for Residence Life and spend the morning with the wonderful res life staff. The tailgate and the football game were so much fun. Luckily, it stopped raining for us! We kicked Marietta's butt in some good ole football. Later in the evening was the Balloon Glow. Unfortunately, the balloons couldn't go up this year because of the weather, but they still lit up the tundra with fire. It was so amazing to see all the ONU alumni and students together for the event. The music was playing just loud enough and everyone was having so much fun. I wish they had a better back up plan then just not letting the balloons go up. The fireworks really were amazing afterwards, but I love seeing the balloons every year. It was disappointing that I wasn't able to see them this year. Going through my social media during the event, I didn't see very much activity during the balloon glow. Students were tweeting pictures and talking about the fireworks, but there was few tweets from the events. Pictures were posted on Facebook after the event, but they should have posted pictures live to bring out more students. Check out my Storify at

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