Tuesday, October 22, 2013


As a public relations major, a big part of what I am learning is about events. Event planning is so fun for me, but right now, I am getting super overwhelmed. I have been planning the ONU pitch competition since the very beginning of my freshman year. Now, I have the so much piled on my plate that it is getting really crazy. Trying to find volunteers for the competition, reserving rooms, calling P Plant, finding judges, printing score sheets and so much more little tasks have just taken over my life. Oddly enough, I enjoy it! Events are so fun to me. You get this crazy busy lifestyle that drives you to the border of insanity. Right when you are about to hit looney town, your event kicks off without a hitch. It is an amazing feeling when  you see something you have worked so hard to do go so perfectly. For the Athletic Hall of Fame Induction, I was loving every minute of that crazy mess. We had little time and even less resources, but we did it and we did it well. It was so wonderful. The ONU Pitch Competition is my favorite event I do every year. I love it so much. I run around all night like a chicken with no head, but at the end, everything works out. Maybe event planning is what I get to do after college. Does anyone else share this love of mine? Or am I just crazy?

1 comment:

  1. Amy, I am overwhelmed with all different emotions towards the pitch competition. I'm stressed, I'm excited, I'm nervous and I'm ready to get the project over with. I am presenting two different pitches. The most stressful part of the project is memorizing the speech. I understand why this event is your favorite event of the year. The ONU Pitch Competition is very interesting. The ideas that people come up with are astonishing. Good luck to you in the rest of your planning!
