Sunday, September 22, 2013

Family Day!

YAAAAY! Today was family day at Ohio Northern. Let me tell you, there were people everywhere. There was a great festival on Main St. They even had a pretty intense game of bingo going on by the business college. What family day is complete without bingo?! My mom got to come up and spend the day with me and it was so great. I love it when family gets to experience ONU. They hear me talk about what's going on and how I am doing here, but they don't get to experience it too often. My mom is a lot like me so I know she loves to hear about what I am doing. So today, I took her around and showed her everything I was doing with my PR classes and my elective ceramics. She loved hearing about my PR classes and how all my projects were going. My mom and I have a big creative side. It relaxes us to just sit down and craft something. I took her to the ceramics lab and showed her the project I was working on and she loved it so much. It has been pretty hard being away from my family while I am here at school. I am so close with them, especially my mom. It meant a lot to me that I got to share this part of life with my  mom. I think family day is one of my favorite times at ONU. Everyone's families are here and everyone is happy. Its really great to see.

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