Wednesday, October 08, 2014

The Countdown....

I am currently 1/4th of my way through my senior year. Honestly, I'm absolutely terrified. I started senior year really excited to just be back at school and be around the people I've been missing over the past couple months, but now I could not be more ready to graduate.

Getting a real job is really intimidating, but extremely exciting. I feel so ready to start working for a company and start getting real world experience in public relations. At least once a day, I look at the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) job board for the Cincinnati area. I keep finding jobs I would love to start, but I am just a little too far out to start applying.

This semester is going by very fast. We are about halfway through, but we have already turned in our graduation applications and taken senior portraits. They made me put on a cap and gown for the pictures and I about hyperventilated. It is getting so real.

Just a little over 200 days and I'm officially a college graduate.

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