Saturday, January 04, 2014

Babies and Weddings...

I can't even begin to express how many babies, weddings and engagements I am seeing. There are so many people around my age (20-21) who are just moving through life so quickly. I see girls popping out babies and post ring photos almost everyday. Why is everyone is such a rush to grow up?

I am in my junior year of college and I feel like my life hasn't even started yet. I have always been told I have an old soul. I should have been born in the '40's. I always wanted to meet someone I didn't know, go out on a REAL first date, get to know them, and have a normal relationship. I was very lucky to get exactly what I wanted with a man I love.

I truly believe people have turned such amazing steps in their lives into a fad. It has become a trend to get engaged way too early and to have babies before you marry. Let me say this, I am not saying anything bad about those who have chosen to take this step in their life, but I am expressing my opinion. In my opinion, it takes years to get to know someone enough to marry them. You should know just about everything about your spouse. I believe you really don't truly know a person until you have spent time learning about each other and how you work together. You know what makes them happy, mad and sad. You know their goals in life. Love isn't all butterflies, smiles and giggles, it takes work. I love the way my dad has always preached about it. He says, "love is the perfect balance between grace and discipline." I don't think there is a better way to put it.

Now with babies, my older sister graduated high school five months pregnant. She is now a single mother of a four year old. I love my niece. She truly is a blessing, but she has never known her father and I don't think she ever will. My niece's father was not ready to be a dad, so he left. She will struggle with that for her entire life. Countless children will suffer through the same pain because two teenagers were in a rush to make grown up decisions. Sometimes it does work. My mom was pregnant with my sister when she was 19 and ended up having all three of us girls by the time she was 21. My mom and dad worked very very hard and made it. They celebrated their 23rd wedding anniversary last week, but honestly that is a miracle. They struggled every step of the way. My dad had to work three jobs to make ends meet while my mom spent days at home with three toddlers and they only had one car. I had a great childhood, but I know it was tough for my parents.

I am a very old fashioned person so this new "trend" just bothers me. It is taking the meaning out of all of it. Getting engaged should be amazing news, but right now, it is old news. Having a baby should be a miracle, but now it is a struggle. I truly am amazed by those who make it work. I want these moments to hold special meaning in my life. I want to feel completely ready to get married to the one I love. I want to have a baby when I know I can afford to take care of it's every need.

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