Friday, December 06, 2013

Finals week preparation.

It is about that time again. It is time to prepare for finals. I'll admit, I am the worst about being prepared for finals. Every year I say I am going to keep up on classes so when finals start up, I am ready. Every year, I am far from prepared. I get super stressed and stay up all night long the night before a final to study. Luckily, I only have one tough final this year, but it is in spanish! I am not looking forward to it at all. I can write papers for final without a  problem. I actually love writing research papers. There is something oddly satisfying about pulling together sources to write a great research paper. When it comes to taking tests, I struggle. I know the information, but I just cannot seem to function during a test. 

This year I have started studying earlier than usual. I have energy drinks to last me two weeks and I am ready. This final won't get the best of me this year. Maybe senior year I will get my act together, but for now I will just push through the finals. There is just a few more weeks until we all get to go home and spend Christmas with our families.

We got this!

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