Sunday, December 08, 2013


I love Christmas so much. This year Christmas will be so wonderful. I get to spend it with so many loved ones. This is the first year my entire family will be all in one place for Christmas. Usually, there is one side of the family that travels or has moved far away. This year everyone is home. My aunt is having her baby right before Christmas and my grandparents moved back home. 

Family is so important to me and I love that I get to see everyone on Christmas. It is definitely my favorite holiday. Every year, all the girls in my family get together and spend an entire day making Christmas cookies. We have a giant family so we make dozens of cookies of all different types. My grandma has so many secret family recipes for cookies. She makes the best sugar cookies I have ever tasted. My mom makes candy cane cookies. They are sugar cookies with just a hint of peppermint in them. They taste so great. I just recently found a recipe for red velvet crinkle cookies. They are my absolute favorite! Cookie day is a big deal at our house. All the guys have to leave and all of us girls just spend hours talking, baking and laughing. It is the best.

1 comment:

  1. Christmas is one of my favorite holidays, too! It's always nice to see your family, and it sounds exciting that you'll get to see everyone. It also sounds like cookie day is one of your favorite parts of the holiday. Getting to make so many cookies with the girls in your family sounds like a blast!
