Sunday, September 15, 2013

ONU pride

I'm feeling very proud of Ohio Northern tonight. I go to an amazing school that has taught me so much. It truly is a privilege to attend ONU. I worked very hard to get to where I am today. Non-stop working in high school and getting good grades helped me earn my way here. It definitely wasn't easy. Now that I am here, I appreciate it so much more. I love my major and my classes. I have such amazing professors that take the time to really get to know you and help us succeed. The college is just small enough to be personal but big enough to be well known. The PR department gives me so many opportunities to get experience and work on my skills that I feel so comfortable when I use my skills outside of classes. I am the event coordinator for the entrepreneurship program in the college of business. The skills I've learned in my PR classes have helped me plan, execute and evaluate my events in a professional way. It helps me learn from my events and how to make them more successful each year. The student run PR firm on campus is another way we get experience and I love it. We get to do work for actual clients and build some fantastic portfolios. I don't know about you, but I think I got pretty lucky. Much love for ONU tonight. Go bears!

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