Thursday, September 26, 2013

My DIY college life...

 At home, my room is decorated just the way I wanted. When i came to college, the first thing I wanted to do was decorate. My room is not that big, but it was going to be my home for the next 9 months. I love crafting and making things myself so the first thing I did was, of course, look on pinterest. What had other people made for their rooms? What could I make cheaply? I wanted a new computer chair, but I certainly did not want to pay a million dollars for a new one. I am cheap. I took a computer chair we never used at home and bought some pretty fabric. I began my research on how to reupholster the chair.I took this green weird looking chair and made a pretty polka dotted master piece. This is just one of the many projects I made to make my dorm feel like home. After three years at Ohio Northern, I have come to the conclusion that making college feel like home really helped me be comfortable to college. As an residence assistant, I encourage my residents to make their rooms their own. It really helps them express who they are at college and where they came from. My room will always reflect my personality and have things that remind me of home. It encourages me to keep going when things get rough and reminds me that no matter what happens here at school, I can always go home and start fresh.

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