Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Tweeting on Twitter

In my social media class this semester, we have talked a lot about how people are using Twitter and how to evaluate it. Companies are trying to find ways to evaluate the effectiveness of tweeting and participating, but it is easier said than done. Reading our book Share This really made me thing about how to obtain data from Twitter in order to analyze it. Does someone just scroll through Twitter and find what they need? Not quite. There are some sites that will help you find the data you need. I did some research and found a few tools that are the most commonly used by organizations to evaluate their own social media pages. 
2. Amplicate
3. Board Reader
4. Blogscope
5. Facebook Insight

However, I was tweeting the other day and noticed something very interesting. Twitter itself its evaluating it's member's experiences. A survey popped up on the top of my Twitter feed asking me to answer two simple questions about my Twitter experience. This is brilliant. Twitter evaluating itself and proving the effectiveness of it's social media platform will increase the amount of companies or organizations that participate on Twitter. They are collecting data from random users to try and build that research. If they could provide that data to users, it would create an advantage for them. Facebook has it's Facebook Insights, but it evaluates the effectiveness of your own companies Facebook not Facebook itself. It takes a more in-depth look into the social media site as a whole to understand the effectiveness of the entire site on the public. Twitter is taking the time to collect and evaluate the data on it's site as a whole. It will most likely be a very time consuming project for Twitter, but it will be very beneficial. 

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