Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Anderson Center Internship

This summer, I have been working with Anderson Township down in Cincinnati as an assistant events coordinator. I help plan, organize, book and setup weddings, corporate events and other small events for their facilities. I have also been helping the re-vamp some of the marketing and PR programs they have in place. I'm slowly but surely trying to get them on social media, but we haven't gotten there just yet. I've absolutely loved this internship so much.

First of all, the people I work with have made me feel confident about what I do. From building new brochures to helping work weddings, they have always made me feel like I was doing a great job. The biggest struggle I've had as an intern is feeling self-conscious about my work. Something was always wrong with it or someone needed to change half of it, but here they didn't do that. They have made me feel like a professional.

Second of all, I absolutely love helping brides get their weddings together. I love seeing their excitement from the first stage of planning to the day of. It is very satisfying to see an event you have been working on for months finally come together. The brides are always so appreciative.

The last thing about this internship I love is the connections. I worked many bridal shows this summer to help promote our facility as a wedding venue and other facilities, caterers, and vendors were always asking for my information for potential jobs. It was great feeling. I set up many corporate events at Anderson Center and met some fabulous people. I'll take these connections with me for the rest of my life.

All in all, this internship was amazing. I get to come back next summer and work part-time if I want and see all the lovely friends I have made over the past three month. I'm so blessed and thankful for the opportunity Anderson Center has given me this summer. Hopefully, I will get to use the facility for my own wedding someday!

- Much love, Amy

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