Saturday, September 07, 2013

PR Internship

Over the summer, I had an internship with Ginghamsburg Church in Tipp City, Ohio. I got to work in the communications office working on so many things. My internship supervisor gave me one entire project to work on all by myself. It was the Alpha Course. Ginghamsburg's Dayton campus host a course called Alpha. The class is basically a crash course on Christianity. You get the opportunity to ask questions and really get to know God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I worked all summer preparing to kick off the class. I wrote a huge PR plan that helped the church have a better idea on how to get the class moving forward and evaluate each step. Unfortunately because of school, I was not able to see the class kick off it's first meeting. But this week on September 4th was the first Alpha class! I was so excited to hear that we exceeded above and beyond all expectations. One of my objectives was to have 20 people that are not currently involved in the church to sign up for the Alpha class and attend the first meeting. For the first meeting last Wednesday, we had 30 people registered. The second objective I had was to fundraise enough money to provide the class to all members for free. After doing all our research into the cost of the class including materials, meals and membership, I estimated we needed about $2000 to cover up to 20 members for the class. Luckily, we exceeded our fundraising goal and was able to provide the course for free to all members who signed up. I was so happy that everything work out well. I just recently changed my major from marketing to PR, so I am still extremely new to the whole PR business. I was blessed with the opportunity to do an internship this summer and learn on site. It was a whole new experience for me. I loved every minute of it. Now, I have an amazing portfolio full of writing samples and examples of my work. The Alpha Course is the event I am most proud of from the summer. I got to do everything from the media relations, event coordinating and even the budgeting. It was an incredible experience. It really shaped how I envisioned my future. I cannot wait to see where I go in my career.

1 comment:

  1. Amy, I think it is just wonderful that you were able to accomplish all of your goals above what you had originally set for yourself. Being a marketing major myself in a PR class, I completely understand what you mean when you say it was a whole new world for you. It was interesting to me that after just a short time of switching your major that you got this internship and did such a great job. I would love to hear more about your transition period and how you adjusted. I am still trying to get the hang of this whole AP style and the PR world in general.
