Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Real-Time Communications Guideline

I love it when I read books that give great advice. In Real-Time Marketing and PR, the book gives lists of steps you can take to push your organization in the right direction. One of the lists I found really helpful is How to Develop Real-Time Communications Guidelines. I thought this would be a great list to share with fellow bloggers that live in real-time. 

1. Get initial agreement from stakeholders that such guidelines are required.
2. Select a team of about six people to draft the guidelines.
3. Study a relevant corporate guidelines already in place.
4. Closely study IBM's Social Computing Guidelines
5. Share your draft with stakeholders and get their sign-offs.
6. Incorporate feedback without getting bogged down by process.
7. Publish guidelines on internal sites and externally.
8. Communicate the guidelines to everyone in your organization until they become second nature.

Lists like these are what I find really helpful in college. This advice is something you can take right into your career. I can just picture myself at a company, taking this list step by step to implement a well written communications strategy and guidelines.

What kind of lists do you find helpful in college or in your career?

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