Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Coffee Addiction

Hi, I am Amy. I am a coffee addict. I have come to realize that I live off coffee. It is insane. With everything I have to get done, I chug coffee to keep my brain on track. Whenever I need more energy, I drink coffee. Whenever I need to focus more, I drink coffee. Whenever I am stressed, I drink coffee. So pretty much, I drink coffee all day every day. It is a good and a bad thing. If I don't drink a cup a day, I get an awful headache. That my friends is caffeine addiction. You can thank my Keurig for that. Now that I am a Junior, I feel like it is time to tone it down a bit. I have made the commitment to ween myself off coffee by fall semester of senior year.

 I, Amy Hood, pledge to cure my addiction to coffee in one year. It will happen. Coffee is wonderful, but I want to get healthy. Ever since I had my gallbladder removed this summer, coffee gives me the jitters. I literally shake and can't stop moving. It is not good. 

I love going home and doing homework at coffee shops. It is my favorite to just camp out and relax with a cup of coffee and check off parts of my to do list that never actually ends. Looks like I will be ordering some fruit smoothies from now on. 

Bye bye coffee. I will miss you. 

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