Sunday, October 27, 2013

Changing it up.

So many things have changed this year. This semester has been life changing. With everything that has happened, it has completely changed my plans for the upcoming future. I have to start thinking so differently about life during college and after college. It has been pretty difficult to plan for the summer and my senior year with so many variables up in the air. I have discovered the importance, yet a bit of insignificance in planning. I am at the point where I am leaving it all in God's hands. You can plan all you want, but in the end, being prepared for change is the best advice I can give. I may not have it all figured out, but I know that I am taken care of. I had it all planned out until I graduated, but I was thrown into so many loops this semester that it all has to change. I guess it is a great lesson to learn while I still have options. I have seen so many people get thrown into situations with much less. I am excited that I have the opportunity to show what I am capable of. Luckily, I am not at this alone. I have wonderful people by my side guiding me through this crazy time in my life. I have a beautiful family and even more support from my friends. It's not going to be easy, but I got this! 

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